Seeing, Touching, Feeling in a whole new way
The other day, as we were heading to a wedding we were listening to an NPR and a podcast that quickly attracted my attention. It was called "Into the world of synesthesia". This is a very amazing neurological phenomenon where a person has 'joined perceptions.' For instance, when they see the number 4, they see it as the color yellow or aqua for the word dog. Some might experience hearing sounds when they smell something, or smell something when they feel something. It can run the gamut. Or as a synesthete hears a song, he (or she) might be surrounded by a carousel of colors. It is a truly amazing condition.
I was intrigued by this and looked into it further wondering if this would be something that people saw as a curse or whether the synesthete actually embraced this. I found that while some often experienced "sensory overload", most did not think it was any big deal....if it was taken away from them, it would be like losing one of their senses.
I think it would be wonderful if everyone had this ability---to perceive everything around them with a multitude of senses. Can you imagine listening to a mockingbird sing and seeing beautiful colors flying through the air. Can you imagine reading a letter and smelling lilacs.
Not everyone can have this unique ability, but I think, perhaps, if we change our mindset just a little, that we might be able to take the time to really see everything around us. In my art I try to get everyone not only to see it, but to reach out and touch, and let the emotion set in. I challenge you to do that with everything in your life.....see the world around you in vivid colors, taste the music that flows into your head. Live life with every sense that you have and live it fully.